Private Lesson from Native Teacher

Bengali Teacher Part Time Jobs & Work in Japan

Looking For Bengali Language Tutor

Medici support teachers and tutors who want to teach Bengali Language for free!
Medici support teachers and tutors who want to teach

English, ESL, Chinese, Korean, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and so on..

Get Your Own Students!

With a Medici profile, you get access by students searching for a Bengali teacher like you

How To Use



Easy Free Teacher Registration

The registration information will be disclosed to the students as it is.
(Personal information such as name and email address will not be disclosed.)
You can freely set the lesson fee and lesson time.

Free Teacher Signup


Confirm Lesson Requests From Students

When a student who sees the teacher profile requests a lesson, you will receive a message with student information as shown below.
(You can check the message from the student on My Page after logging in.)



Decide If You Want to Take the Lesson

Click the "Yes" button to take the lesson, or the "No" button to take the lesson.
When you press the button, a message will be automatically sent to the student as to whether or not the lesson can be accepted.
(All work is completed in My Page.)



Decide the Date and Time of the First Trial Lesson

From the second message from the student, you can reply to the student with a message of your choice.
Please decide the date and time of the first trial lesson with the student side.
Since you can send and receive messages on My Page, you can exchange messages without giving the contact information to the students.

Why Medici?

You Can Set Lesson Content and Fees Freely

The lesson content can be set in the field that you are good at, and the lesson fee can be set in 60-minute units.
Settings can be changed at any time from My Page.

Risk Free

Since you can exchange messages with students on My Page, there is no possibility that your contact information will be leaked to others who try to contact you for purposes other than lessons.

Free Teacher Registration +
You can Receive the Full Lesson Fee

There is no registration fee for this service.
In addition, there is no brokerage fee, so you can receive the full lesson fee from the students.